Whereas it was found necessary to bring all sports writers (working journalists) in Bangalore under one fold, safeguard and uphold professional standards and foster closer relationship among thenm, a sports reporters organisation was formed on september 22,1974, in Bangalore City.




The Head quarters of the organisation shall be located in Bangalore.


a. To promote espirt-de-crops among sports reporters.

b. To encourage camaraderie between sports reporters and sports organisation.

c. To safeguard professional interests.

d. To strive fpr securing facilities to sports reporters for the effective discharge of their day to day professional work.

e. To provide forumfor talks, seminars, symposia etc.,

f. To promote the highest standard of professional skill, conduct and integrity.

g. To work co-operation with other professional organisation.

h. To promote the standard of sportsmen and women in giviing SWAB awards to the best sportsmen,woman and team.

i. To consider other matters of professional interests, porvided the assoication shall not engage itself in trade union activiteis.

j. To acquire, to purchase, to take on lease, exchange lands, buildings and properites, movable and immovable, and to sell, mortgage or exchange such properties for the benefit of the association.


a. Membership is open to all sports reporters including corresppmdents who are engaged om genuine sports reporting in Bangalore. Their main avocation shall be sports reporting.

b. Members shall be admitted to the Association by the Executive Committee after it satisfies itself about the credentials of the applicant. The executive committee shall have the power to reject any application with or without assigning reasons.

c. The application for the membership shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the Association. Each member shall pay am admission fee of Rs. two and an annual subsciption of Rs.25 (twenty five only)

to be paid in not more than three instalments.

d. The member shall forfeit the rights and privileges of membership if he is in arrears at the end of the year.Such rights and privileges may be restored of the defaulting member pays up the arrears and a re-admission fee of Rs. two.

e. The executive committee may, however, waive sub-clause 4 (d) in deserving cases like unemployment.


a. The members of the SWAB shall constitute the General Body which be the supreme deliberatitve and policy making body.

b. The General Body shall meet whenever necessary, at least twice a year. A seven days notice for an ordinary meeting and a three days notice for a special meeting shall be necessary. The quorum for the meeting

shall not be less than one-third of the total membership. However, no quorum shall be necessary for an adjourned meeting.

c. The meeting of the General Body sja;; be convened within a fortnight if a written reqisition is made by not less than one-third of total membership.


The Annual General Body of the SWAB shall be held before the last day of January every year with a fifteen days clear notice. The General Body shall consider and adopt the General Secretary's report and audited accounts of the SWAB. The Annual General Body Meeting shall also elect the new office-bearers and executive committee.


a.There shall be eleven members in the exectutive committee,including one president,one vice-president,one general secretary,one secretary and one treasurer.

b.The president shall be the authority to ensure that the resolutions of the General Body and the Executive committee are carried out by the respective office-bearers.He shall preside over the meetings of the General Body and the executive committee.

c.The vice-president shall perform the dutites of the president in the absence.

d.The General Secretary shall be the chief executive and conduct all the work of the organisation under the guidance of president,the executive committee and the General Body and on their behalf. He shall carry on the correspondence on behalf of the organisation ,maintain records of the proceedings and sign bills and executive doucments on behlaf of SWAB and shall convene all the meetings fo the executive committee and the General Body in consultation with the president.

e.The secretary shall assist the Gen.Secretary and,in his absence,shall discharge the duties of the Gen,Secretary.

f.The treasurer will be in charge of the financial aspects of the association.He shall arrange to collect and receive subscriptions,donations and other dues and issue receipts thereof. He shall be responsible for maintaing an accurate and upto date accounts of the association.

g. The executive committee shall hold office until the new executive committee takes office.

h. The executive committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy or vacancies occuring in the committee by co-option.

i.The executive committee shall be responsible for the management of the association and also for implementating the objectives of the association.

j.The executive committee shall ordinarily meet once in a month. A three days notice for an ordinary meeting and a one day’s notice for an emergency meeting shall be given.Quorum for the executive committee meeting shall be five.


a. The executive committee shall appoint a member of the SWAB as the returing officer to conduct the election of the members of the executive committee according to the rules framed by the executive.


a.The financial year of the assoication shall be the calender year.

b.The accounts of the association shall be audited by a qualified auditor appointed by the General Body.

c.The accounts of the SWAB shall be operated by any two of the following—president, gen.secretary and treasurer.


a.No amendment to any of the clause of the costitution shall be made unless two-thirds of the total membership is present,and two-thirds of the those present vote in favour of it at a special meeting of the General Body convened for the said purpose or at the Annual General Body Meeting.


a.The General Body shall, by resolution,suspend or expel any member form the assoication for any act or conduct which is detrimental to the interests of the association or of unprofessional and unethical nature.The executive committee shall have the power to suspend erring members in emergent cases. Such cases shall be placed before the General Body for final decision at the earliest opportunity.


The association registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960.


The association shall not be dissolved except by a resolution to that effect by a majority of seven-eights of total membership of the assoication at the special meeting called for the said purpose. On dissolution,the assets of the association after meeting outstanding liabilities shall be disposed off in accordance with the deicision of the General Body Meeting called the said puprpose.


(NEW AMENDMENT-18th July 20011)

Members belonging to the electronic media, including websites, as well as those working for periodicals (weeklies, monthlies) and extensively covering Sports can be made Associate Members, with a maximum of two members per organisation eligible for the same at the discretion of the Executive Committee. In case more than two applications meeting the criteria are received from an organisation, the Executive Committee can decide on the same on a case by case basis at its own discretion.